0300. Three o'clock in t
he morning to those of you who choose not to partake of the 24 hr. time system, dark, and pouring rain 'midst the lightning bolts. Sure glad we made the call to stop yesterday & tie to a dock. Interestingly enough, I used to think that the fairways @ Weavers' were tight; not anymore. Storm passed around 0900, then the wind blew, & blew. We elected to stay another day & do the usual boat stuff. Fix things, clean things, etc. By noon it was T-shirt weather; sun was shining, sky was blue. Another beautiful boating day in NC. Digressing just a moment from the travelogue thing, I'd like to take a moment to extend my thanks to Dave I. from lovely downtown Trappe, MD. Dave was kind enough to drive down to New Bern & provi
de the expertise to help install the new cabin floors. Since the section I was assigned to do isn't quite done, & certainly isn't as pretty, I'm attaching a picture of the middle cabin floor. Medium maple, with cherry trim. Flooring is a vinyl plank glued to 1/4" subflooring. Thanks again Dave! As you can see, I've now got to get the varnish work done on the wainscoting to make it all look as nice as the flooring. We did the main salon in Cherry, made new hatches with better bracing, and put a handle in the one hatch so you will no longer need a pry bar to open it.
Tomorow's adventure will entail a long days run, hopefully as far as Myrtle Beach, SC. Weather is forecast to be sunny, but possibly windy. Seas are not particularly a problem in this part of the ICW, but shallow water is. In addition to that issue there are bridges that can't open if the wind is higher than 25 - 30 mph. Plus, (ain't it grand) the sole remaining pontoon bridge may not be able to open if the water is too low. If its' not floating, you're not going! Then, of course, there is the subject of NO WAKE zones. As more & more development takes place along the waterway, more of these restricting speed zones pop up. 'Course there isn't much difference between my normal 8 - 9kt cruise speed & my no wake speed of 4-5kts. We'll be up & running early if weather permits, so stay tuned & thanks for stopping by.
Hi Ginny & Chris,
Sounds like you are having a good trip! Made a reminder to check your blog each week to see where you are now...have a great time. 53 degrees in PA today, but sure it will not stick around too long....
Ditto---Lee Ann
Ho Commander,
I just got to thinkin. If you pick up a heading of 090 for bout 10 miles, then 188 and nudge the throtles to give you bout 20 knots, you'll be in Miami in 2 days!
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