Monday, January 25, 2010

Charleston; Images & stuff

So there I was. 3 o'clock in the morning, cold rain, 30 + knots of wind. uniform of the moment was sweatshirt, skivvies, and barefeet. Nasty! Mission purpose: fix the lines so the poor old boat wasn't trying to tear its' cleats off. Problem: the boat was rolling & pitching (for the 2nd night in a row) excessively. So, I got the lines set so the boat was more relaxed. That entailed loosening the lines so the boat could float a bit better, as in less jerking. That part worked, the motion eased quite a bit. However, I now found myself unable to get back on the boat. Mortifying, and a bit scary! With very, very careful timing, & a bit of luck it all worked out. The fun part was watching the $1,000,000 boat behind us roll just as hard as ours. Morning came, rather daylight finally showed up, and the shaken, thoroughly stirred, crew crawled out of the bunk hoping the wind never blew again. The day's mission was to finish the floor (done), get a grocery cart (done), cruise town & get a great burger(done)! Oh, just about forgot; wash the whites(done). All in all a pretty good day!
As you can see, Scooter is the little guy amidst a very big harbor and big bucks boats. But look at our view. This is the Cooper River bridge. As soon as I can figure out a way to set the aperture correctly, I'll get a night picture. It is absolutely gorgeous at night with the lighting radiating down the suspension cables. We spent the afternoon doing the tourist thing. If you ever get here, eat at Moe's downtown. great burger!
Walking thru town is fun, but take lots to drink. A lot of the houses are narrow like this one. I suspect, brilliant fellow that I can be on occasion, that taxable lot size may have a bearing on the house construction. Incidentally, the palmetto palm tree grows all over town; great lumber source for building up the walls of your fort so that cannon balls don't get ya! If they come close; church is just down the street. get there by cutting thru the alley lots of these around town, mysterious little courtyards and enclaves. Trees along the street are draped in ghostly grey moss. You can easily imagine making your way thru town on a dark & foggy night, squinting to see by the light of your flickering lantern. The lonely wail of a ships foghorn as your erie background. With that thought in mind, I bid you goodnight; see you in a couple of days. I will be in & out of PA, then back here on Thursday; headed South on Friday. Best to all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So enjoying the vicariously through you two! What an adventure!