It has been pointed out to this writer that there has not been any mention of our partaking in the national day of agony & remorse; April 15th, tax day. Hey, man, we're cruising; there's no time for that sort of stuff; I believe the proper terminology for that attitude is "no problem, mon". However, on a more serious note, thanks for reminding us in such a diplomatic fashion; I feel your pain!
Unfortunately, the morning brought the news that Clyde would not be coming in unti
l the afternoon, so I was unable to get a pic. After dealing with that disappointment, we departed Dudleys & downtown Swansboro bound for Beaufort (pronounced Boe-fart; no, honestly, that is how it is pronounced) NC. We anchored in front of the town dock & waterfront, and fired up the dinghy to explore. One of the local things is the prese
nce of the an estuarine conservatory named in honor of Rachel Carson. It consists of 3 miles & 2600 some acres of island land set aside for the preservation of wildlife & plants. Wild horses, grey fox, all thrive here much as they did on Cumberland Island in GA. Naturally, we took off in the trusty dink, powered by Honda, I might add, to march among the pines and admire the wildlife. I gotta say, for little horses, those guys & gals can really pile it up. Other than that evidence, I am sad to say that we did not see much wildlife.
So, back to the town dinghy dock, set neatly among prop busting rocks at the East end of the town docking area. Apparently, we just missed a free wine tasting "do", so we were left to wander
about the town. Honestly, I was more impressed with this 'burg than I have been with some of the others we have
visited. Not much fluff yet, just some nice stores and a clean presentation. You sense that the fluff & $$ seeking attitude will be arriving in the future, but, for now, it was a pleasant spot to visit. The waterfront has a pretty boardwalk running along a lot of its length. There are a number of historic buildings in town, some of them quite imposing. There are peaceful spots in the midst of the goings on that surround a renovating town and its tourist followers. I found the old civil war cemetery to be a fascinating, but calming environment; blazing color emphasizing
the somber monuments marking the grave sites. In the shade of the live oaks, amidst the fragrance of the azaleas & wisteria, if you but stopped for a moment & allowed yourself to be there, you could almost feel the spirits at rest in this peaceful place.
Having spent the afternoon tromping; over hill, thru the island dales, and around the town, we paused to accomplish one more painfully necessary task; to sample the local general store's ice cream. That job was given to Scooter's captain. Shrug off the pain and get 'er done , I say. Agony, the agony of it all. How true it is that pain can sometimes be so gratifying!
You folks have a great day tomorrow; we'll catch you on the flip side! Be safe!
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