Out of Wrightsville, NC, northbound for the, yes, north. Of course, we missed the bridge opening. Not because we weren't prepared, but because the tide was much higher than predicted & we couldn't ge
t under the bridge. It's not like limbo, Chuckie, we can go down to 19'+/- and that is it. Lady said, "I have 18', captain" and that was that. 45 minutes later we were underway. 60 miles and 7.2 hours later we were in Swansboro, NC at Dudleys Marina. Some of you, those who have been following this blog, for instance, may remember our previous visit. I mentioned Clyde & Elvis. To the left is Elvis. Clyde was under the desk in the office & I couldn't get his picture. Maybe tomorrow; altho' I understand that he doesn't come in until the afternoon, so that may have to wait until another time. Weather was cheerfully sunshiny, but quite cool. Brilliant colors, blues in the sky & water, whites in the sand & wakes; all in all a gorgeous day to be out & about; particularly on the water. Our route took us thru Camp Lejune's firing range; inactive today, but
still a reminder that people that belong to someone are training to go in harm's way. A sobering thought. Bless 'em all.
Then there were the marketing devices employed to get the boater's attention. Right to the point! Get 'em in the door & get the $$'s. And here I was looking for fuel price info; silly, silly me! Anyway, we got to Dudley's Marina; found the fuel dock, got tied to it in a semi-respectable manner, refuelled, paid the bill & took the courtesy van into town for groceries. Remember the cars & vans that came out when seatbelt use was a paramount thing in the regs. You know, Chuckie, the ones that would sit passively in front of you until you shut the door and turned on the ignition. Then, holy cow, they would instantly and determinedly rush for your throat like a swift anaconda, not stopping until you were pinned to your seat for the duration. Well, this was one of those; however, the anaconda portion has died, to be replaced by a screeching, rattling, cron
e like apparatus groping for your neck and enveloping your chest in a tentative hold until the ignition is turned off. An interesting experience; you gets what you pays for!
Also met an enchanting persona on the docks this evening; kind of exotic; thought I'd share the image with you. Tomorrow's leg will be another leap northward; 40, 60 miles, not sure just yet, but we'll keep
you posted as we go along. Weather is supposed to hold for the majority of the week, so maybe we'll luck out. We have some large bodies of water to deal with, & it would be nice if the winds were calm and the seas manageable. From the docks of Dudley's Marina in the historic city of Swansboro, NC, we bid you a pleasant good night, send you our wishes for a good week, and happy trails until we meet again; same site, different day. Be safe.
1 comment:
Maybe I missed it but I don't remember seeing any refrance to 4/15 and the IRS. I spent hours paying homage ans u are smiling, relaxing and enjoying life. Sponge the bilge for me. Bob
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