Friday, December 7, 2018

And the move goes on...

So, we have a BiiiiiG day planned; many, many, miles to go, & not a lot of time to get 'er done before dark. Skillfully, oh so skillfully, slide out of the close slot between the boat behind us and the million dollar yachet in front of us. (Patience, Chuckie, you'll see where this is going in a minute) Truck on down the waterway to the Centerville Turnpike bridge, fully expecting to keep on moving. Surprise, looks like the "skillful" captain forgot to read the directions: bridge closed 0630 thru 0830 so hard working folks can get to work, In my defense, I was the third boat in line. Okay, bridge opens and off we all go to the North Landing swing bridge; first bridge in NC. Bear in mind that our entire day is dependent upon timing working out. At this point, we aren't too far off. In the process of milling about waiting for the bridge to open; yep, Chuckie, our "skillful" captain found a stump to perch on for two hours while the towboat came up from Coinjock, NC. Said he has pulled 85 boats off that spot so far this season. Of course I feel sooo much better knowing that: Something about pride going before a humbling experience or two.

So we cut the goal in half and ended up in Coinjock, NC for the night. We'll give it another shot tomorrow. The aim is to get across the Albemarle Sound safely and tied down someplace secure while Diego blows thru the area.. Looks like a long day in the making; thru some pretty remote and stumpy areas. Y'all be good, get that Xmas shopping going, we'll catch you on the flip side!

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